Monday, May 13, 2019

Weekly Reflection #2

10:32pm, May 12th, 2019 Weekly Reflection #2

This week I think the pearliest thing I learned was how different Uganda and Kenya were from each other. You would not be able to know how different they both are unless you went and found out for yourself. Uganda’s infrastructure is not as strong as Kenya’s and there is a lot more traffic in Uganda than Kenya and the police are corrupt in Uganda whereas in Kenya they are not, but Uganda social life is blooming. You always feel included and it is such a social environment, everyone knows everyone and there is always something going on and people getting around. Tonight I was talking to Sula about this who grew up in Uganda but now lives in Kenya, there is more of a disconnect between people in Kenya and less of an active social life. But you can find basic necessities more easily in Nairobi than you can in Kampala. I also learned that if I want to go into business in college, there is a lot I do not understand and a lot I do not understand. From talking with Cyprian and Newton and listening to them chat on and on about all sorts of far away ideas I realized I need to broaden may horizons and try to learn some things I may need to know to survive in the world. 

The only thing I did not completely love that we did this week was going to Jinja, the source of the Nile. Being at the Nile was interesting but then the island we went to, Sambuka Island, was not enjoyable. It was a bird sanctuary which I did not know I greatly dislike birds so that was a bit of a nightmare with over 150 birds flying around me for hours. Oh and all the lizards, was not a fan of those either. Otherwise everything was amazing. This project is truly becoming more than what I could have imagines with the people I have met and the experiences I have had. I am still in awe that I am traveling to these beautiful countries and being able to learn about the life and culture. 

The only unexpected thing that happened was that we did not go to the Ngong Hills yesterday which I was looking forward to but when my aunt was feeling too ill to go. So plans changed to me going to the Nairobi National Park instead on a little safari which was extremely fun and I am ok with how things worked out like that. I still hope however that I can go to the Ngong Hills when we go back to Nairobi.

This week I was able to see lots of different places and travel so I have been to two different game parks and I have seen people of the Masai tribe in their traditional garb with their traditional jewelry. This is the closest I have come to an African tribe so that was a big step in this cultural experience. I have now been to my second East African country so I am able to identify some of the differences and similarities. This week has moved me towards my understanding of cultures and development and life in countries that are half way around the world. 

Until tomorrow


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