7:24pm, May 10th, 2019
Today we went to an outdoor market which was full bartering and negotiating. There was just rows and rows of pretty much all of the same stuff with different things here and there. Lots of African clothes, traditional necklaces, rings, earrings, straw bags, and much more. That was pretty hectic and overwhelming because all of the people selling things would yell at you to get your attention and ask you things and stand-in in your way in the narrow paths to get you to look at things. It was a very different experience. My aunt tried to show me how to barter and it was very interesting to see her go back and forth like a pro with the vendor. In the end my aunt ended up getting the price down to 1,000 Kenyan shillings, which is $10, instead of 2,000 Kenyan shillings, which is $20.
We then went to a nearby mall so Vaitzman can do his shopping. He wanted to tell us the whole history of the old mall and then show us around to his favorite shops. Then we helped Vaitzman to do his grocery shopping so we were able to see all of the different produce. So far, the lemons and limes I have seen here are very different. The lemons look like the limes that we have in the U.S. but bumpier and the limes are the size of a gummball and are way better than the limes in the U.S.
Hours for the day: 5
Hours in total: 71.5
Until tomorrow
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